Thursday, August 2, 2012

More Veggies

This is what I harvested today.  The absolute last of the onions from the front planters,  various peppers which are coming in faster than I can pick them and some Roma and Cherry tomatoes.  The tomato plants are quickly becoming damaged from spider mites.  I was shooting for pesticide free and was thinking that the damage would be minimal but the plants are quickly wilting.  I will have to come up with something soon.  The pepper plants of all types just keep going and going with no pest problems.  The second picture shows half of my planters.  Cherry tomatoes on the left against the house followed by three planters of bell, anaheim, banana and jalapeno peppers.  The 2 planters on the right are the almost dead green beans.  If I had rolled them to the north side of the house before the heat hit they would be okay. There are also several smaller pots of Caribbean Red Hot peppers which are doing great.  This is all giving me lots of good ideas for next years planting.

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